Privacy center

Using Hugo Health is your choice.

You should be fully informed about how your data are collected, secured, and used. 

Simple facts about the Hugo Health privacy policy

The complete Hugo Health privacy policy

The user’s guide to understanding privacy

Helpful definitions

Privacy resources

Hugo works in partnership with people to provide a mechanism for the collection of their health information. This privacy center is designed to inform users about the collection and use of this data.

Strong communities are built on trust—which begins with transparency. We value and respect your choice to entrust us with your personal information. We attest to and adopt the principles of the CARIN Alliance Code of Conduct which represents the consensus view of a group of multi-sector stakeholders “focused on advancing consumer-directed data exchange across the U.S. The Code is based on internationally recognized standards including the Code of Fair Information Practices (FIP) and numerous other consumer information sharing accepted principles and practices.”

By accepting Hugo's Privacy Policy, I agree to the following:

The collection of data not limited to my full name and email, data downloaded from my patient portals including my portal usernames and passwords, information provided by a third party or that I provide in response to a survey, and web/app activity that has been collected using cookies or similar technologies.

The use of my data to improve my experience and provide services to me. I may receive notifications regarding updated services and features. Data may be used to improve the quality of Hugo products or to monitor the success of its marketing activities. I may also be notified of opportunities to participate in research and join communities or other programs with the option to opt-out.

The use of my data for aggregate insights that don’t identify me. For example, my data may be used to generate statistics about Hugo users, demographics, or healthcare utilization. I understand that my data will always remain securely with Hugo and will never be sold, shared, or otherwise leave Hugo without my explicit permission.

The disclosure of my account information for the following reasons: The support of Hugo business activities by contractors, service providers, and other third-party vendors*; to a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution or other sale or transfer of some or all of Hugo Health’s assets; to comply with a valid court order, law or legal process; if it’s believed disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of Hugo Health, its users or others.

*Important Note: Access to PHR data on Hugo is granted only to individuals or entities bound by contractual obligations and HIPAA guidelines to keep personal information confidential and to use it only for disclosed purposes. 

If you have any concerns, please let us know.